Re: Correction/Fw: Suh Ade Fobuzong why does God allow evil people like you and Dr. CHarles Awasom to exist? Fw: @ SÀF Re: Pastor marries pregnant teen with wife's blessing

Shoomboo Awako, 

One more thing.  You were living in Minnesota with a relative, name withheld, and always fighting with him and not paying your share of the rent.  He got very upset and left.  Soon after that your wife could not stand your confused and crazy head and also left.  Now you could not pay your rents and asked me to help you out with the rents.  I had not been married to your sister when you started asking me for rents.  I paid your rents for two months and when you asked the third time, I refused and asked you to go find a job.

Then you tried to blackmail me by telling me over the phone that you will tell your parents not to accept any bride price from me because you were having financial problems and I refused to help you.  I told you that they had accepted the bride price and you told me you would ask them to refund it.  I told you to first refund the money I paid to you for rents before asking them to return the bride price.  You told me you considered it bride price and would return it after discussing with your parents.  I told you to go ahead and informed my wife what you had said.  

By the way, you made us to spend money going to Banso to do a knock door for your wife.  After leaving with you for a few months she realized she was being engaged to a crazeman and left you like a hot potato for her own safety.  She was really looking to settle down but that crazy and neurotic head of yours made her to run away.  

You are almost 48 and not married.  Your younger brothers are all married and have children.  At 48 you are still struggling with school.  When are you ever going to graduate and get a real job. You have never held a real job for more than 6 months.  Always leaving on welfare and in shelters.  

You wonder why I never visited you in NJ?  How could I come when you were leaving in a shelter until that young Banso girl came and gave you shelter in her home for a brief moment.

You are really crazy.  Why are you inserting other people's names in you crazy email.  If you were normal upstairs you would not be writing about other family members in your email.  If the people you reference in your rant are witches, then you are your self a witch; for all of you are from the the same stock. Shoomboo crazeman who doesn't know his culture.

As always and as a reminder, do not forget to send your share if contributions for the upgrade and electrification of your family compound.  Also contact your ailing parents.  They are very sad  but have not given up on you.  Hopefully, that confused head will be straightened up some day.

Thank you.


Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android

From:"'Jonathan Awasom' via ambasbay" <>
Date:Thu, Dec 3, 2015 at 6:55 AM
Subject:Correction/Fw: Suh Ade Fobuzong why does God allow evil people like you and Dr. CHarles Awasom to exist? Fw: @ SÀF Re: Pastor marries pregnant teen with wife's blessing

Typographical corrections

On Thursday, December 3, 2015 12:26 AM, 'Jonathan Awasom' via ambasbay <> wrote:

Suh Ade Fobuzong why do you chain my sister with a married certificate and two boys in Cameroon while living in Baltimore, USA? Why has the so called relative of mine Dr. Charles Awasom and his wife Magistrate Florence Awasom not condemned  your actions and instead embraced you? Why are  you people evil? For how much longer will these evil relatives continue to exploit evil men like you against my sisters? You are afraid of the rigorous nature of American society where you dread scrutiny if living with a woman and children. That is why you thought you should rush to a dark and primitive society like Cameroon and prey on my sister. I am decrying your twisted ways as well as distancing myself from your stupidity as much as every person's in my family encouraging your evil. They should know I don't condone your ways because it is Ungodly even though they pretend to be a Christian family. A normal family would not condone your behavior . Instead my so called Awasom Christian family  who mask themselves with being Christians have been orchestrating my downfall since I was 12 years old.In order to get at me, they have targeted my siblings! I just want people to know that God  is fighting for me and I know some of my siblings are victims but victory will come at the end for those who listen to the voice of God. 

Where did you learn your philosophy about marriage? Is that how Cameroonian men in the USA do or why are you so evil and wicked? What type of man are you who chains people's daughters with lies, manipulation and witch? How many Cameroonians have your conduct? That is the issue you need to address. You keep concocting lies to defend yourself but I am asking you to explain to people why you left Baltimore and issued her a married certificate and abandoned her with two boys to care for alone ! Witch people ! You people have bewitched my sister. I know this and God will not allow you people to destroy her like the witch clique did to my older sister. Witch  relatives  inside Awasom's family opened the door to witch people from outside like you Suh Ade Fobuzong.

Are you normal? You see, you can run and hide. I am not ashamed to talk about this issue because all the men you deceive with your pretentious niceness need to know that you are the one who is shomboo and not the one who is decrying your evil. What type of man is this who chains women! If you had no plans to live with her here or in Cameroon, why give her a married certificate? Is it is not proper that you go and give her a divorce in order to free her from  your evil instead of giving her false hope that you are retiring soon and all what not? Why do you come into the world with such a evil and wicked heart? Why does God allow evil and wicked people like you to exist among people, Suh Ade Fobuzong? Why? Why ? Suh Ade Fobuzong you can't frighten with lies and you can't silent my voice of conscience with distortion. Why does God allow evil people like you to exist?

You are a pathological liar and professional blackmailer. You are trying to intimidate and silent me with lies but Suh Ade Fobuzong, you met the wrong person in life. This time I have taken off my gloves and be rest assured that sooner or later you will have to stand before a judge to answer to your slanderous activities of defamation and libel. You are not allowed to defame my character. I asked you why you claimed to be a man of tradition and culture when you abandoned a woman and two sons in Cameroon, my sister for that matter! Since then you have never been at ease with me. I am confronting Kenneth Fru Ndeh for a reason because I know he was being sent by people to blackmail me . I decided that I would clarify these things for the record and I just want to continue to address him and those who concocted lies to distort my records. But before I proceed I want to clarify your twisted mind set filled with your usual lies.
  1. You wrote a book for chief Fobuzie in which you blackmailed Bali people over a mere land dispute whereas you Chomba people originally came from Mankon area. But in your book you blackmailed Bali people because they stood up for their right over the land that foreigners invaded. This is what will take you to your doom because you wih I did not x-ray you! We cannot live in peace and harmony by lying. So, take it easy. The truth is Chomba people do not really have any right over that land because all Chomba migrated to the present area from Mankon and you know this very well. So, why concoct lies to market to people? You wrote the book, which is terrible because you manipulate Chief Fobuzie to look stupid when the truth will be revealed eventua

  1. When I donated $500.00 to MACUDA-MDV in 2003 you unceremoniously and illegally forwarded only my private contribution to camnet and Mankon forum, which Mishe Fon picked on and created unnecessary controversy over it. I frowned at that and asked you, why you forwarded it to camnet in the first place when it was solely for Mankon Development Group?  You told me that you wanted Kenneth Fru Ndeh to know that I had a checking account since he had been saying that I was not working etc! You see, that is how manipulative you are! You are a blackmailer and very vindictive just as Kenneth Fru Ndeh who had been circulating diatribe against me about the lady I sponsored. Today you are now friend with Kenneth Fru Ndeh because I   have exposed your stupidities to the public! 

  1. Suh Ade Fobuzong you sort of think that since it is in your DNA to lie, manipulate and deceive people including Chief Fobuzie and Fon Angwafo, you can get away with your lies right here in America. This is a country of data and documented facts. How did you pay my rents? You need to forward any document, receipt, a check money order or Western Union to show how you paid my rents in America? If you do not justify yourself, I will come to Baltimore and sue you in the court of law for slander, blackmail and lies. First of all I did not write this letter to you. I was confronting Kenneth Fru Ndeh and not Suh Ade Fobuzong. You are not getting it!  You are not smart enough. As far as I'm concerned, you are a very foolish man! I have only pity for your types, desperate Psychopath who have no sense of moral consciousness in life. Why are you crying and sound so desperate! How can you say to the public that I sent you money and you tore it and sent it back to me! Why would you do that? Is it lawful? Can you explain yourself?  So, you know I don't owe you any money otherwise you want me to owe you so that you will say that you pay my rents, right. That is funny! I borrowed you $ 700.00 at one point when I was in an emergency situation. I promised I would pay it back when I am able. That is exactly what I did. You wrote letters to my family alleging that you paid part of the pride price for my sister to me and claimed you gave more money to me than to any of my siblings. I was shocked and eventually decided to refund your money in a timely fashion. You want me to forward the letter you wrote and circulated to my relatives claiming that you gave me bride prize money? Suh Ade Fobuzong, if I sue in the court of law for blackmailing, slander and defamation can you stand the lawsuit?  Post the evidence to show that you paid my rents because I will sue you in the court of law for slander and defamation if you do not show your evidence. Since you fool around with others and think everyone is the same! You are SICK and need to force into MAYO CLINIC for some form of treatment.
  2. You keep seeking my attention! I understand your frustration. I know you are working for Dr. Charles Awasom and Magistrate Florence Awasom whom and his late Father and Sister have let a Family CLIQUE and CONSPIRACY against us in our father's house, TO TEAR  US DOWN !  I won't blame a useless man like you who is an instrument in the hands of wicked and evil relatives. They did the samething to my older sister and have been after my sister since she was a young lady! I will address them later because I have warned any evil relative that I, Jonathan will no longer be silent over their evil. I will come to that later but your actions do not surprise me at all because I have been used to since I was growing up as a young man and had to deal with evil relatives determined to ruin my father's household and block our progress.
  3. Dr Charles Awasom and his wife Magistration Florence Awasom have spent years misleading my sister, blackmailing me and poisoning the minds of my own family against me in order to block my sister from leaving Cameroon, something that works for you!Yet they travel to America and meet their clique ! I used to wonder why they would pretend to love my father and siblings when they are running away from me, hahahaa? That has been their ambition and since you are a useless man, your stupidity works for them and their clique.
  4.  Suh Ade Fobuzong, do you know where I live in America? You don't and how can you claim to know me when you don't know where I live? You loaned me money and wanted to use it to link it with your useless relationship with my sister. What I did was to prevent you from your stupidity and it does not seem to ring a bell into your head.
  5.  Public records from Adebang  show that you embezzled money from a group of Mankon and Chomba people whom you deceived and lied to them that you were creating a credit union fund. You have never paid back their money . You never answered Adebang when the facts were established. That is not even my concern because I don't know the details but Suh Ade Fobuzong , I want you to start being honest and truthful to yourself. It is not difficult to change your ways before it is too late because if you fail to responsible, I will come to Baltimore and sue you . You took Adebang to court because you fell that he was breaking the law, right? I mean what I am saying, if you do not present your evidence to this audiences that you have slandered me over the years, I will sue you.
Finally, Only extremely dangerous, wicked and evil relatives would dare condone your behavior with respect to my sister. They know themselves and the reason why I cited Dr. Charles Awasom and his wife Magistrate Florence is because they are the ones who are SPEARHEADING that stupid clique inside the Awasom's family,with their stupid upperclassmentality of injustice, greed, oppression and exploitation of my parents and their children perpetrated with their parents for decades. times have changed. I am fully aware that they know I don't care a damn about their stupidities. Now, they need to know that this time , I will no longer be silent , quiet and be indifferent to their onslaught against  us. You are just one more tragedy like my  older sister's husband but before I go, remember I addressed the  email you responded to,  to Kenneth Fru Ndeh and not to Suh Ade Fobuzong.

I will continue to confront Kenneth Fru Ndeh because he needs to apologize  to me for all his slanderous activities against me. Ask for you I asked why you abandoned my sister in Cameroon with two boys and idling on  the internet boasting about Cameroon tradition and culture! You flared up since then. Of course, your stupid tradition is not only stupid but I wonder why you would be residing inside the United States and trying to uphold a culture and tradition that forced you to quit Cameroon? How can you be so stupid ? Does Cameroon tradition and culture say that you give a married certificate to a lady and keep her elsewhere and living elsewhere? These are sociocultural problems affecting Cameroonians , which explains why I am not ashamed to go public as I decry what you are doing under the careful conspiracy of Dr. Charles Awasom and his wife Magistrate Florence Awasom in order to chain my sister's mind  and ruine her life like they have had done to my older sister.
Thank You

Jonathan Awasom

On Wednesday, December 2, 2015 6:37 PM, 'SAF' via ambasbay <> wrote:

Ngia Amabo.  Ma zu'u shi'ina.  Miyaka


From:"'soloamabo' via ambasbay" <>
Date:Wed, Dec 2, 2015 at 7:33 PM
Subject:@ SÀF Re: Pastor marries pregnant teen with wife's blessing

Ngia SAF, it is difficult to hear ' lefam so' at certain times.

Lef this matter with Ngia Jonathan. Many of us were happy wwhen Mishe Fon sued for peace publicly. This is Christmas season of peace and sharing and love.

I am still trying to establish why, we, Cameroonians tear ourselves apart when we have a daunting task to build our shattered country.

We need especially you Ngia SAF and Ngia Jonathan to allow us celebrate the birth of Christ our Lord in all peace.

Ngia SAF. Oh yuhmoh? Mahteh Fukoroh wa '. Nwi TYchiambi'

Sent from Samsung Mobile

-------- Original message --------
From: 'SAF' via ambasbay <>
Date: 12/02/2015 3:06 AM (GMT+02:00)
Subject: Re: Pastor marries pregnant teen with wife's blessing

Lies Mr.  Jones Nathan.  Big fat lies that you helped her.  Can you prove it.  Show us your cancelled checks.  If you could do this, you would not be asking me for rent money when you were in Minnesota.  You referred to the rent money I was sending to you as a bride price for your sister and sent a portion of it to me.  I cut the damn thing up in three pieces and sent it back to you.  Where have you ever heard a man in graffiland paying a bride price to his brother-in-law?  Why didn't you refer to part of the refund as rent money.  Shoomboo like you.


From:"'Jonathan Awasom' via ambasbay" <>
Date:Wed, Dec 2, 2015 at 1:20 AM
Subject:Re: Pastor marries pregnant teen with wife's blessing

 Kenneth Fru Ndeh

Did it ever occur to you that one day you will be stupid and    ashamed of all the nasty things you have posted about me on the internet? It looks like you are on the run ! I am watching at you and hoping that you will contimue with your blackmail and assassination of my character.

I rescued Mboni 's cousin from misery and poverty from Africa and instead of you  thanking me and praising me for being a positive influence in her life, sponsored her and paid her flight, rented a two bed rooms apartment and housed her for two years paying all the bills and rents, worked at least two jobs to feed her and her Mom, took care of her younger sister when she came her! Filed free  documents for her under my name and empowered here within 1 year in America until she starting working and I even contributed money to buy her a car. I never heard anybody say thank you Jonathan but you became a mercenary insulting me over every act of kindness that a man can render to a poor and needy woman! You collected all types of lies from whoever was feeding you with nonsense !But when she was in Cameroon why did the so called relatives and co not bring her here ?

You celebrated the fact that she left me, blaming me for being nice ! You called me names and said I could not sleep with her ! I am surprised that you are posting a story about a Pastor who is above 60 years and married to a teenager! I was wondering if you ever thought in your wildest imagination that I would be stuck with a woman that I changed her life. No, I am 47 years in 7 days. Young girls as far as 20 years old think very highly about me. As you can tell, they even believe that I am only 35 years old. Whoever fooled you that I, Jonathan can waste my precious time behind a woman probably never told you that FINE BLACK HANDSOME BOY, well shaped  NO DI LACK. Shame unto you all ! I spent every dime I had to take care of that lady and even went bankrupt in the process and never expected that anyone would instead  be insulting me. Thank God a child born in 2003 is now 12 years old.  How shameful Fru Ndeh for you to get so obsessed with a relationship that collapsed in 2003? Even 12 years after it did not occur to you that I am called awesome?

You people must continue with your foolishness and stupidity because I am afraid you are on the run !


On Tuesday, December 1, 2015 6:29 AM, 'Pa Fru Ndeh' via ambasbay <> wrote:


Pastor marries pregnant teen with wife's blessing

November 30, 2015 | 2:05pm
Video courtesy of Barcroft
A 60-year-old Ohio mob enforcer-turned-pastor married his teenage bride and got her pregnant, all with the blessing of the other lady in his life — his 44-year-old wife.
"The whole situation works for all three of us," Thom Miller told Barcroft Media. "I am the only one who is allowed to have more than one partner — and both of my wives understand and appreciate that."
Miller is now building a bigger home so he can split his time between his two ladies, whom he calls sister wives.
And he believes their polygamous lifestyle is strengthening family ties.
"It means they always have a friend with them."
Miller met his 19-year-old gal pal, Reba Kerfootruba, seven years after he married his wife, Belinda.
"I wanted to have more of a family — having another lady in the house not only makes our family whole but individually it's a beautiful thing because it's like having a sister around," Belinda said. "Thom is the love of my life and Reba is the blessing of my life, so it all works."
60-year-old Ohio pastor Thom Miller is a twice-happily married man.
Photo: Barcroft Media
Reba said her arrangement with a married couple initially troubled her family and friends, but now they support her.
"They're happy as long as they know I am happy," she said.
She admitted that she doesn't love sharing her man with another woman.
"But I try not to get jealous and when it's not my time with Thom, I just try to occupy myself by going out with friends," Reba told Barcroft. "The baby will have two moms, which I'm okay with."
And while Miller's ladies are both on board with their love triangle, his church in Mansfield, Ohio, isn't.
"I don't preach about polygamy, but I feel it's a very Christian lifestyle," he said. "This is America and my wives and I have a right to live any way we please, providing we're not hurting anybody."
Miller turned to Christianity after he spent seven years in jail for stabbing someone during a bar fight following years as a member of the mob, according to the news outlet.
"I knew I had to make a change," he said. "I wanted to live a more Christian life."
Now he has that — and just wants to settle down with his wives.
"We just want the opportunity to live together and have our marriages recognized," he said.
Polygamy is illegal in all 50 states.




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